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Storytelling Meaningful Work

Have the need or desire to tell your story?


Even if you don't, you might be yearning to reassess and redirect your life. Think of it as your life in search of a narrator.


Storytelling is a talking cure. P2U can help your story come to life and be a resource for reflection and transformation. It wonders for getting that fresh and insightful perspective you've been missing.



Imagine talking through aspects of your life as if you were being interviewed for a lifestyle magazine. The process uncovers nuggets of wisdom and insight you wouldn't expect. And this process is ideal for getting a firm sense of how your story is going to continue.


What P2U provides is an edited, recorded audio podcast. A friendly and conversational venue is created by Dr Todd Mei. As a philosopher who's honed his skills in the art of hermeneutics (narrative understanding and interpretation) and as a former public orator and podcaster, he can help transform your story into a living resource for meaningful reflection.


An option for this deliverable is a bespoke work of digital art to symbolize and capture your insights and new understandings.


See below for testimonials from former guests on my podcast Living Philosophy, which tells the stories of inspiring second lives.

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Zara Davis

record-breaking windsurfer | osteopath

"I was a little nervous before my interview with Dr Mei for his podcast, Living Philosophy . . . maybe feeling that I had little insight to offer the wider world either within windsurfing or beyond it. However reflecting on life’s experiences with someone who was an excellent prompt helped me to realise the amazing adventure that I have had and also how much more of the journey is to come. That was definitely worth sharing for me, and just maybe an inspiration for someone to have a go!!"

Joseph Smart

Head of Organizational Development, NHS Oxford

Testimonial Coming Soon!

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Tina Rath

Artist | Former Academic | Founder of the Requiem Project

Testimonial coming soon!

Valerie Noble

literary Agent at Donaghy Literary Group

"I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Dr. Mei on his podcast, Living Philosophy. Our discussion of my experience as a literary agent was an opportunity to reflect on my past choices, my path forward, and my willingness to welcome change in my life."​

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